Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation

David’s Corner – June 20, 2022

Woulda, shoulda, coulda. It’s likely that the exodus generation Invented this phrase. Instead of taking the opportunity To enter and fight for the Promised Land They played on their own worst fears Listening to the naysayer scouts    Rather than listening To the inner voice of possibility. Their great reward: A sentence of up to […]

David’s Corner – June 13, 2022

It’s Grumpy Time The Israelites are complaining about    Having to eat mana all the time.   Miriam complains about    Moses’s new black bride from Cush   Aaron complains about Moses    Getting all the attention from the Lord,   Acting as if he is the only person the Lord talks to.   The […]

David’s Corner – April 25, 2022

Aaron After the deaths of his sons Nadab and Abihu. Aaron said not a word — Not to his brother Moses, Nor to his wife, Elisheba, The mother of Nadab and Abihu, Nor to his other sons,  Eleazar and Itamar, Who worried greatly about him. Aaron awaited HaShem’s further wrath, Entertaining fantasies of personal destruction, […]

David’s Corner – June 21, 2021

Balak (Numbers 22:2 – 25:9) Balaam is the unsung prophet of the Torah.  In the course of his appearance in the parasha Balak, Baalam transforms the perception of the Israelites from dreaded outsiders who are to be cursed, to a powerful people who enjoy HaShem’s approval. Baalam’s contribution at first seems highly unlikely.  He has […]

David’s Corner – April 26, 2021

Emor Just as Achrei Mot and Kedoshim assert and command ways that the Israelites are separate from their neighbors (diet and behavior), so does Emor assert and command ways the Priests of Israel are separate from other Israelites. One way that Priests separate themselves is by staying away from bodies of the dead, with the […]

David’s Corner- March 1, 2021

Ki Tassa (Exodus 30:11-34:35) The instructions from HaShem continue in this parasha.  The finest materials are now applied toward three elements:  the creation of the Priest’s vestments, the procedure for consecrating the priests, and construction of the altar for burning incense. And then there was the big screw-up on the part of some Israelites, or […]

David’s Corner – February 22, 2021

T’tzaveh (Exodus 27:20 – 30:10) The instructions from HaShem continue in this parasha.  The finest materials are now applied toward three elements:  the creation of the Priest’s vestments, the procedure for consecrating the priests, and construction of the altar for burning incense. Nothing is improvised.  Every detail is to be carried out exactly.  To be […]

David’s Corner – February 15, 2021

T’rumah (Exodus 25:1 – 27:19 The process of building a traveling Tabernacle is most impressive.  This week’s parasha, T’rumah, and next week’s parasha, T’tzavveh, contain HaShem’s instructions for the process. The first really impressive element is unstated.  It is clear by its omission that the Israelites are not to turn their experience of receiving the […]

David’s Corner – February 8, 2021

MIshpatim (Exodus 21:1 – 24:18) The tone of the Torah changes with this parasha.  Whereas up to now the focus has been principally on narrative, the Torah now presents the rules by which the the Israelites are expected to live.  Where to start? So much is necessary beyond the initial commandments which frame essential truths.  […]

David’s Corner – January 18, 2021

Bo (Exodus 10:1 -13:16) The pharaoh knows it is time to let go, but he still won’t.  HaShem, we are told, has hardened his heart. And look at what that has cost him after 10 plagues.  Not only has it caused the death of his first born, but the first born of all his people […]