Lake Chapala Jewish Congregation
Since my last article, we have put on a new roof, cleaned and sealed the aljibe, replaced the water treatment tanks and filters, and replaced the old, leaky propane tank. The funds for all of this came from the Shibko major repairs and maintenance fund at a cost of just under $164,000 pesos. That cost may increase as we work with the vendor to get a Factura and pay the IVA tax as needed.
The shul has collected about $17,000 pesos less than budgeted income through July 31st. But also spent, not counting the above major repairs, $38,000 pesos less than budgeted expenses. Those repairs were not known at the time of budgeting, so weren’t included. However, that type of expense is the purpose of the Shibko fund, so using that money is appropriate.
Memberships renew September 1st of each year. The shul’s very existence is ensured by people joining and continuing as members. The shul operates year around so when anyone in our Jewish community wants or needs to use the services of the Shul, they are available. Your membership ensures Judaism is available and thriving Lakeside, not just for you but for all of us. Please renew your memberships as quickly as possible and encourage others to join.
As a result of some rising costs and the need to replenish our two major restricted funds, the Cemetery Fund and the Shibko Fund, the board has voted for a small increase in dues for the coming membership year. Dues will be $6000 pesos per person. Dues can be paid at the upcoming membership social on September 8th, or directly to Robin Hayden, Treasurer or Susana Greenberg, Vice President. Email us at Either of us will gladly come to you, if you are unable to come to the membership social. As always, reduced dues are available, please contact Robin Hayden directly to discuss your needs.
The cemetery will need to purchase more land in the future. To that end, we need to build the fund. The Shibko fund allows us to do major work on the synagogue without needing to raise funds on an emergency basis or allowing our building to sit in disrepair. We have already designated 5% of dues to each of the funds. In addition, I will ask the board to move some of our budgeted profit at year end to these funds. We will need to leave a reasonable amount of cash in the general fund to operate the shul, but if there is excess, my goal is to increase these two restricted funds.
As you think of your charitable contributions for the year, please remember the Shul. You can designate your donations to the general operations of the shul, the cemetery fund or the Shibko fund. All donations are greatly appreciated.
I am always available to discuss the finances of the shul. I can be reached at I am happy to answer questions, explain the financial reports and listen to your ideas.
Robin Hayden, Treasurer